

We have ring muscle ups for Tuesday. Let’s work on the false grip which is essential to getting a strict muscle up. If you have kipping ring muscle ups but not strict, let’s work on the false grip and practice a strict one. Either way, let’s hit those low rings and ask your coach about the false grip and get some false grip ring rows going.

For the wod, if you have bar but not ring, or are close, you can scale to bar. Maybe someone will get their first one! Otherwise, we have other scales for you. You can even scale by doing three good muscle up attempts on ring or bar. Let’s not ignore this. The Open is in October. Let’s not wait for the week before to panic about it. Let’s panic now!


False Grip Ring Rows, False Grip Ring Pull-Ups, Muscle Up Practice and drills, including kipping swings.


“Ring Theory”


3 Rounds

Row 500 Meters

9 Box Jumps 30/24

6 Push Jerks 135/95

3 Ring Muscle Ups


115/80, 24/20, 3 False Grip Ring Rows, 3 Dips


95/65, 6 Ring Rows (false grip if possible)