
Thursday is here! The Open start today! Sign up and make it legit. Judging and being judged is a great way to get a feel for you reps and your ROM. This will make you a better CrossFitter.
We’re running it Saturday with heats at 8 and 9. Check out the The CrossFit Games site for all the info.
10 Minute Stations, 3 Minutes Rest
Station 1
12/10 Cal Bike Erg
15 DB Goblet Cyclist Squats (narrow stance) 50/35
5 Double Push-Up Burpee
Station 2
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
25 Russian KB Swings 53/35
Station 3
12/10 Cal Row
10 Lying Leg Raises (See video above but stay in hollow with head and shoulders up)
20 Bicycle Kicks
Station 4
10/8 Cal Ski
10 Empty Barbell Curls 45/35
8 Box Jumps 20/14