We’re sticking with 5 rounds of 4 minute stations and going two times through for Thursday. Let’s get it done! And. . . don’t forget 20.3 announcement Thursday night. I’m feeling a short, heavy workout. Whaddya think? Maybe a skill? Whatever it is, we’ll give it what we got and hit it hard just like the last two!
New movement!! DB sit-ups. Your coach will go over these. If they’re uncomfortable there will be a substitute movement. Well ,actually they are uncomfortable, but they’re good, so give it a shot. It’s all RX so pick something you’re comfortable with. 50/35 is prescribed but anything will do.
Station 1
200 Meter Run
200 Meter Overhead Plate Carry 45/35
Station 2
2 Rounds
10/8 Assault Bike
15 Anchored DB Situps 50/35/25
Station 3
2 Rounds
200 Meter Row
30 Empty Barbell Bench Press 45/35/15
15 Empty Barbell Curls 45/34/15
Station 4
2 Rounds
25 Tuck Ups
45 second plank
Station 5
500/450 Meter Ski
500/450 Meter Bike erg