

Matt F!

Okay. There it is. Deadlifts and HSPU. We’ll talk about this over the next two days. Same format as the last two weeks. Doors will open Saturday morning at 7:45 to sign up for heats. There will be a warm up posted on the board and then we’ll get it going.

But for Friday, we’ll do this.


15 Minutes

Kipping HSPU Practice or Handstand holds

and Barbell Good mornings


EMOTM 21 Minutes

Minute 1

3 Chest To Bar

4 Air squats

5 Burpees

Minute 2

10/8 Cal row, bike erg, ski erg or assault

Minute 3

8 Hang Power Snatch (75/55)

Performance: Pull-ups

Fitness: Ring Rows

Everytime you get to minute 3, use a different cardio piece. Rower, bike erg, ski erg or assault