Okay, for Wednesday we’ll be able to put our pacing skills to the test. Max calorie assault bike in ten minutes. This will be Part C. We’ll leave out the heavy barbell today. The format for today will be a cardio warm-up, then am empty barbell AMRAP, a rest, and then we hit the bikes.
If we have more people than assault bikes, we’ll just go off in heats. It’s only ten minutes. Come on in and get your work in. With the snow we might not be open Thursday. And don’t let Part B fool you. It’s no joke.
Part A
10 Minutes
100 Single Unders
50 Jumping Jacks
25 Air Squat
Part B
8 Minute AMRAP
Empty Barbell
18 Hang Cleans
15 Push Presses
12 Front Squats
9 Thrusters
Part C
10 Minute Max Calorie Assault Bike
*Set bike for Target time