That right there is our Bin donating thousands of masks to the cause. And you can tell by her smile that that’s our very own frontlines hero Chrissy Manello!
This started with our Thor Fitness post the other day. Bin jumped on it and we set it up and by tomorrow, Stony Brook Hospital will have thousands of new masks to protect those doing the most important work right now. Great work Chrissy, and thank you Bin!
I never thought we’d be using the back lot of Thor Fitness to facilitate a surgical mask drop off to fight a global pandemic! But we adapt!
Now the bad news. You knew it was coming . . .100 burpees for time. This was my first home wod! Thor Fitness was closed for a snowstorm and it was suggested to me to try it. Soooooooo much fun. Let’s do it guys. It’s good to develop a benchmark time for this.
Part A
100 Burpees for time
Scaled: Burpee to chair or low table
Part B
3 Rounds
25 Toe Touch Crunches
1 Minute rest