

Now that the Open is over I just want to say I’m proud of all of you for coming in for the last 5 weeks and challenging yourselves week after week.  These were some really tough workouts, as usual, and some of you came in and tackled exercises and weights you’re not comfortable doing in your daily wods. That’s what it’s all about.  It’s all about the community and coming together as well.  I can say I had a great experience once again going through the Open with you all side by side.  It took me two to three days to recover from some of the workouts, 14.5 in particular, but I was inspired to push myself as hard as you all did.  Until next year’s Open ….

Gio moving weight 205# 3 position snatch

Gio moving weight 205# 3 position snatch


Sumo Dead lift

3 RM

CrossFit WOD:

amrap 18 min:

10 T2B L1 20 ab mat situps

15 push ups w hand release

20 jumping squats w 40#/20# sandbag L1 20 air squats

200 meter run w sandbag

4 Responses

  1. Quinn

    “Exercises and weights we’re not comfortable doing in our daily WODs” – yep, that about sums it up. I’ll now feel really lazy anytime I scale….Seriously, my first open was an amazing experience shared with amazing athletes. Big thanks to Patty and all the coaches for the great training and judging. I’m also grateful to Kmac and Santiago for being really supportive even while wearing their judging hats, to Vonnes for the bucket during 14.5, and to Willie for having long encouraged me to give the Open a try.

  2. Damien

    Patty, congrats on being in top 200. I wish you luck in the coming weeks for your next four workouts!!!

  3. admin

    You’re welcome John Quinn. I’m so glad you signed up for the Open this year and had a great experience. And Thank you, Damien. Yes, I’m moving on to the next round…. four more workouts yay!! I guess I need to start working out regularly