

Alright, so here’s where we are. New York State has ordered all gyms to shut down with no definitive timeline. Thor Fitness will be complying with this directive. As I get more information I will pass it on to you guys through Instagram and the blog.

We all worked hard getting to where we are through our strength programming and Metcons and BLAZE and SHRED. I’m determined to make sure that you guys work hard and keep those gains during this hopefully short period. And more importantly, I’m committed to insuring that we maintain the community spirit that we have at Thor Fitness.

So, to that end, I’ll be posting bodyweight workouts every night.

Also, if any of you have specialized equipment at home like a home gym, and you want workouts tailored to what you have, text me directly at 516-524-8384 and I’ll program individualized workouts around your skill level, need, and available equipment. You can report results directly to me.

I’d like to keep Sugarwod active as well so I’ll be posting the group wods there and I would love you guys to post scores, make comments about how you scaled, etc.

Also, depending on the duration of the shutdown, and weather, and the severity of the outbreak, I’d like to meet either in the Thor Fitness parking lot or at the track to get some cardio in at some point.

Also, if you’re not shy, definitely post pics, vids, etc. of your workouts on IG and tag Thor Fitness and/or my personal IG and I’ll throw it up there to keep the community alive.

So with that, here we go . . .





We’re doing low rep slow negatives here. 4 second negative, no time at the bottom, explode up, hold for one second at the top. Do 5, rest 30 seconds, shake it out, 4, 3, 2, 1. Text me if you have any questions. If you don’t have the strength, that’s fine! Stay tight and go as low as you can and still complete the rep.


AMRAP: 14 Minutes

2 Jumping Air Squats (open hip and get a little air)

2 Burpees

2 Sit-ups

4 Jumping Air Squats

4 Burpees

4 Sit-ups







etc. . .

SCALED: Air Squats