Some Strict work to start Tuesday’s class. If you are scaling to ring rows, try to set them as low as possible or use a box to elevate your feet. Let’s work strength in this classic chest/back split.
The metcon is max work stations with rest in between. This programming is meant to keep intensity up. You should attack each station as a 3 minute wod, not as part of a 12 minute workout. This trains your body to recover quickly from intense work.
4 athletes per station. We’ll start at separate stations and proceed through in order.
Bench Press/Strict Pull-up Superset
Bench Press at 50% of 1 Rep Max
Strict Pull Ups-Scale with bands or ring rows
“Stations of the CrossFit”
3 Minute Clock
25 Deadlifts 135/95
Max Calorie Bike Erg
2 Minute rest
3 Minute Clock
20 Hang Cleans 135/95
Max Cal Assault Bike
2 Minute Rest
3 Minute Clock
30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Max Cal Row
2 Minute Rest
3 Minute Clock
30 Toes To bar
Max Cal Ski
Fitness Strength: 115/80, 44/26, Kipping Knee Raises or Abmat Situps
Fitness Speed: 95/65, 35/26, Kipping Knee Raises or Abmat Situps