Great job on working on technique. Thank you for keeping things looking good and playing it safe! Let’s continue that from here on out.
If you’re interested in ordering any t shirts or tanks (ladies), please order by the end of the week. I’ll be collecting cash before putting the order in. We have a new teal Spring color as well as the red and Navy.
5 sets
squat clean + power clean + hang power clean (above knee)
CrossFit WOD:
As many reps as possible in 7 min:( power or squat)
15 clean and jerk 95/65
15 clean and jerk 135/95
15 clean and jerk 155/ 105
Remaining time max reps at 185/125
7 min amrap:
15 hang power clean + push press (add weight)
15 hang power clean + push press (add weight)
15 hang power clean + push press (add weight)
remaining time max reps
Increase the weight as you see fit.
1000 Meter row for time.