

The clean pull is an excellent movement to solidify optimal position and posture for the first two pulls of the clean – pulling from the floor to above the knees, and then from above the knees to the hips. As long as your positions are looking good, don’t be afraid to go pretty heavy.

Set Up – The set up for the clean pull is very similar to the deadlift, but with a few minor adjustments. Let’s take a look.

Feet are flat on the floor, about shoulder width apart. This should look like your jumping stance.

Your grip will be just outside your thighs. With the bar touching your shins, reach down and grab the bar with a double overhand grip. So far this should look like a deadlift.

This is where things change. I want you to set up with your shoulders directly above the bar. If you recall the deadlift set up, our shoulders are just in front of the bar – not with the clean pulls. You may need to drop your butt a little bit to align your shoulders correctly.

Ensure your upper back stays nice and tight and your low back is flat.

First Pull – the first pull starts from the ground and ends at the top of the knees. This portion of the movement should be slow and controlled, focused on maintaining proper position and posture.

Slowly extend your knees as your hips and shoulders rise together. Keep the bar very close to your body.

For this portion of the movement, it’s important that your trunk angle remains the same – it should look the same as when you started the movement.

Second Pull – this is the explosive and powerful part of the clean pull. The objective here is to generate ridiculous amounts of power using your hips to create upward momentum and elevation on the barbell.

As soon as the barbell clears the knees, it’s go time. Forcefully drive your heels in the ground and fully open your hips. If you did it right, the barbell should be floating. 


clean pull (from floor) above knee + 2nd pull from above knees to hips+ power clean

7 x 1

Increase the weight with each set

CrossFit WOD:

3 min amrap:

25 double unders

5 power clean

Rest 1 min

 5 min amrap:

25 double unders

5 squat cleans

Rest 2 min

amrap 7 min:

25 double unders

5 squat clean thrusters

Rx 135#/95#

RX+ 155#/115#

L1 75#/45#

Singles: 2:1 

Your score is three separate rds and reps for each amrap