

Well, it’s Thursday and the Zombies haven’t gotten us yet, so let’s try BLAZE, the home version!

We’re going to go through this two times. It’s four 3 Minute Stations with a minute rest in between stations, including 1 minute rest before you start round two. On Sugarwod this will look like two workouts. So you’ll have scores for rounds and reps for rounds 1 and 2.

Station 1

3 Minutes

10 Rotating Push-ups

10 Air Squats

1 Minute Rest

Station 2

3 Minutes

15 Chair Dips (Legs straight, feet on the floor)

20 Reverse Lunges

1 Minute Rest

Station 3

3 Minutes

10 V-ups

10 Crunches

Station 4

3 Minutes

20 Mountain Climbers

20 Frog Pumps

1 minute rest before round 2