

So it looks like TRIIB has the bugs figured out. Please try to download the update. If that doesn’t work, just delete the append reinstall it. Click on schedule, pick the class you want and check in. Our coaches really rely on the list of checked in athletes to see if everyone is present so they can start class.

For Thursday, we’ll go AMRAP style again. Five 7 minute AMRAPS with a minute rest in between.

Check out the new BLAZE movements, KB push press and hanging LEG raises. Same ab routine we did in SHRED on Sunday. Try to activate your shoulders, get behind the bar and keep your legs straight on the LEG raises. Think kipping with your shoulders, not your hips. Legs NEVER go behind the rig on ay of these movements! This really works the muscles you use to decelerate your legs on the descent and change direction!

**KB Push press-See Video below**

Station 1

250 Meter Ski

8 Single arm KB Push Presses per arm 35/26

Station 2

5 Strict Ring Rows

10 Push-ups

15 Abmat Situps

Station 3

15/12 Cal Assault Bike

10 Alternating Box step ups 20″

Station 4

20 Crunches

10 Hanging knee raises

5 Hanging LEG raises

Station 5

500 M Bike Erg

20 Jumping Lunges