

The weightlifting class is back on today! Make sure you get in and get your workout in and stay after for the Mike’s class.Bring your protein shake and fuel up in between.

I’ve been getting some great feedback regarding our in-house competition scheduled for Saturday, November 19th. It’s a toss between doing same sex and coed. If you haven’t given me your opinion yet, please let me know what you are thinking.

CrossFit WOD:

4 rds:

400 meter run w sandbag 40#/20#

15 air squats w sandbag 

10 K2E


3 pos clean: high hang x 1, mid thigh x 1, floor x 1 x 5 sets

Clean and jerk: Take 20 min to work up to 1 RM

Core: 50 T2B