

I hope you all had a great weekend!  Just a reminder, please don’t forget to sign in as soon as you get to class.  Some of you are still forgetting.  Sign in then check out the warm up on the board before you get started.  Thanks!  Also, I had a cleaning company come in Sunday and everything is cleaned and disinfected.  Let’s keep it that way!   Don’t forget to wipe everything down when you are done using it.  It’s next to impossible for me to keep the floor clean.    Please bring your sneakers and change into them when you get to the gym.  It kind of sucks to do burpees on a floor full of sand!!

And if any of you are serious about your Olympic lifts, I’ve asked the USAW to come to Thor Fitness on march 29th and 30th to do a Level 1 coaching course/certification.  I took this certification a few months ago and had the best coaches ever.  I’ve done many certifications and at least 4 olympic lift certifications and this was by far the best ever.  I requested the coach I had for the weekend,  Mark Cannella.  He coaches top Olympic athletes.  So if you want to learn the fundamentals of the olympic lifts, sign up.  The cost is $495.  Click HERE if you want to register.


overhead squat


Work of form and mechanics before going for a heavy 1

CrossFit WOD:


amrap 12 min:

7 push press 95#/65# RX+ 115#/85#

10 over head squats 95#/65# RX+ 115#/85#

15 situps

5 Responses

  1. Damien

    Happy Birthday Patty!!! I hope everyone takes advantage of your hard work and takes the OLY Course in will be life changing!!!