
Last day to get scores in. Come on in to get 22.2 done or get in a redo. For all others ready to sweat, here’s a monster. . .
This is not Christmas style. It is as written. So it basically starts with 20 wall balls.
35 Minutes
10 Wall Balls
10 Wall Balls
25 Box Jumps 20″
10 Wall Balls
25 Box Jumps
50 American KB Swings 53/35
10 Wall Balls
25 Box Jumps
50 American KB Swings 53/35
75 Front Squats 45/35
10 Wall Balls
25 Box Jumps 20″
50 American KB Swings 53/35
75 Front Squats 45/35
100 Cals of Choice
A lot of work here and I’m not sure anyone will finish. Just do your thing and grind for 35 minutes.