BLAZE style on a Friday? Why not! Its Bizarro World anyway! And who knows when we will actually be programming that petri dish experiment known as BLAZE again anyway.
Well, it’s Thursday and the Zombies haven’t gotten us yet, so let’s try BLAZE, the home version!
We’re going to go through this two times. It’s four 3 Minute Stations with a minute rest in between stations, including 1 minute rest before you start round two. On Sugarwod this will look like two workouts. So you’ll have scores for rounds and reps for rounds 1 and 2.
Station 1
3 Minutes
10 Rotating Push-ups
10 Air Squats
1 Minute Rest
Station 2
3 Minutes
15 Chair Dips (Legs straight, feet on the floor)
20 Reverse Lunges
1 Minute Rest
Station 3
3 Minutes
10 V-ups
10 Crunches
Station 4
3 Minutes
20 Mountain Climbers
20 Frog Pumps
1 minute rest before round 2