Let’s work on barbell cycling for Friday. We’ll increase in weight, but let’s keep it manageable enough so that we can get the feel of moving quickly, catching the bar preloaded into our dip and then jerking it up and getting under it with arms locked. Ask your coach for help with clean and jerk cycling. If you have to start with just the bar to get the feel, no problem! This technique will help with efficiency in your high volume barbell wods. And. . . we have a big clean and jerk wod in next week’s programming so let’s dial that in.
Also, as the weight gets lighter in today’s wod, you’ll want to try and string together larger sets of clean and jerks.
** We’re experimenting with scoring for this! It will be for points. Each clean and jerk in the first round will count for 3 points. Each clean and jerk in the second round will count for 2 points, each clean and jerk in the third round will count for 1 point. Let’s reward our good lifters for the big weight!
Clean and Jerk
“Max Payne”
4 Minutes
20 DB Snatch 50/35
25 Wall Balls 20/14
Max Clean and Jerks in remaining time 135/95
1 Minute rest
4 Minutes
20 DB Snatch 50/35
25 Wall Balls 20/14
Max Clean and Jerks in remaining time 115/80
1 Minute Rest
4 Minutes
20 DB Snatch 50/35
25 Wall Balls 20/14
Max Clean and jerks in remaining time 95/65
4 Minutes
20 DB Snatch 35/20
25 Wall Balls 14/10
Max Clean and Jerks in remaining time 115/80
1 Minute Rest
4 Minutes
20 DB Snatch 35/20
25 Wall Balls 14/10
Max Clean and Jerks in remaining time 95/65
1 Minute Rest
4 Minutes
20 DB Snatch 35/20
25 Wall Balls 14/10
Max Clean and Jerks in Remaining Time 75/55