Great job with that long workout today and thanks for working around the mess. The guys made a lot of progress today and it looks we’ll have full use of the platforms tomorrow so all classes will be open. If anything, there might be a sign on the front door to go around back if we’re painting the floor. Otherwise, we’re good to go all day!
We have a good one for Friday. Yes it’s legs and glutes and engine but it’s also actually more of a core workout than you might think. Maintaining upright posture during the lunge, and also holding a nice plank throughout the push-up is a good supplement to the iso ab work we’ve been doing. So get it done and head into the weekend with some momentum!
Empty barbell snatch grip position work
4 Rounds
:15 seconds at floor position
:15 seconds below knee
:15 seconds above knee
:15 seconds rest
“From Russia With Love”
12 Minute AMRAP
Russian KB swings 70/53
Barbell Lunges 115/80
2,4,6,8, . . . all reps increase by 2 until time expires
FITNESS-53/35, 95/65