


Team Double Trouble two years in a row at Flex on the Beach

Instead of doing strength today, we are doing important accessory work. Mike R. stresses shrugging when cleaning and snatching, so he asked me to post the following accessory work!! Next time you’re in his weightlifting class, show him you know how to shrug!!

Also, I have some samples from Kettlebell Kitchen. Come see me if you are interested in their meal plan.

So far we have only 9 Thor Fitness peeps on our Barbells for Boobs team. We usually have a big team!! Don’t forget to register and make your page.  Join our team HERE.


Superset the following:

3 x20 weighted lunges (R=1, L=2)

3 x 15 shrugs

Use dumbbells or kettle bells. Choose a weight that is challenging.

CrossFit WOD:

amrap 10 min:

60 double unders

25 kb swings 53#/35#