

I’m super proud of all of you who came out and tackled the CrossFit Open wod 14.2.  A couplet of overhead squats and Chest to bar pull ups made for a pretty difficult workout.  It was pretty awesome to see some of you perform 10 unbroken overhead squats or your first chest to bar pullup.  That’s what this is all about.  If you haven’t been judged, let’s do it on Monday during class time while the warm up and strength is going on.

CrossFit WOD:

3 rds:

10 Hspu

20 T2B

30 kb swings 53#/35# RX+ 70#/44#

40 wall balls 20# 10’/14# 9′

50 box jumps 24″/20′”RX+ 30″/24″