I did an ab workout the other day and was having trouble staying on the bar for the prescribed number of hanging leg raises. So, I started interspersing alt hanging knee raises with twists. It was good. It enabled me to get more volume.
Let’s try it with 20 reps staying on as long as you can and chipping away. It will look like this. 4 hanging leg raises, 4 alt hanging knee raise twists, 4 leg raises, 4 knee twists, 4 leg raises. Done.
10 Minute Stations
3 Minutes Rest
Station 1
12/10 Cal Row
10 Plate Ground to Overheads 45/35
20 Mountain Climbers
Station 2
12/9 Cal Assault Bike
8 Alt Rotating Push-Ups
20 Jumping Lunges
Station 3
12/10 Cal Ski
1 Hanging Ab complex
10 Ring Rows
Station 4
500 Meter C2 Bike
10 Alt Single Arm Devil’s Press 35/25, or 50/35 if you’re looking to be Open Ready