

Nice job with Friday’s wod, guys! It has been a crazy week but it’s so great to have everyone back! You guys are killing it with the protocols and the masks and the wods. Keep it up.

Sunday weather looks good so I’m planning on having you guys bring your gear out back and we can distance and ditch the masks for the day.

However, the Saturday weather looks bad so it will be an inside wod. Classes are 8 and 9:15.

Part A

5 Rounds

15 Double Unders

10 alternating single hand Russian KB swings 44/26

6 Goblet tall knee to standing 44/26

Part B


20 Minute AMRAP

15/12 Bike Cals (Assault or C2)

9 Deadlifts 225/155

15/12 Bike Cals

35 Double Unders

2 Minute Rest

*Athlete monitors their own mandatory two minute rest

Performance: 155/105

Fitness: 115/80