

Another press conference from our high exalted ruler today but no information on gyms. I’ll continue to follow and update. Trust me.

However, don’t get hung up on the idea that the state controls your destiny. You do. Stay fit. You can literally do this by eating right, moving every day, sleeping well and hydrating. If you want to hit these website wods, awesome. If you have the means to do serious CrossFit workouts with equipment that you might have, that’s cool too.

But you control it. Don’t hand over your mental and physical fitness to a third party.

We have a little indoor chipper for Tuesday. Go get it.


100 Jumping jacks

80 Russian Twists

60 Mountain Climbers

40 Tuckups

20 Burpees

40 Tuckups

60 Mountain Climbers

80 Russian Twists

100 Jumping jacks