Three 15 Minute AMRAPS for BLAZE Thursday. Test your overhead plate lunges and also the empty barbell bench press to make sure you’re comfortable with those movements and weights. Your coach will demo the tuck up. We had a break from burpees all week, so we’re doing everyone’s favorite recreational activity! Burpees over the rower! Keep showing up and fighting for those reps and regular burpees will be a breeze!
Also, feel free to show up early and warm up so you’re ready to go!
15 Minute AMRAP
400 Meter Run
10 Stationary overhead plate lunges 45/35
25 Empty Barbell Bench Press 45/35/15
**If 35 is too heavy and 15 is light, we can put some plates on the 15# bar**
15 Minute AMRAP
10/8 Cal Row
10 Burpees over the rower
20 ABMAT Situps
15 Minute AMRAP
15/12 Cal Assault
10 box step ups 24/20
20 Tuck Ups