

Happy Friday everyone!! We have a spicy workout to end the week. Get in and get it done. Today is the last day for you to have your money in for the holiday party. Also, the 8 am Shred class on Sunday is cancelled for this weekend. It will resume the following Sunday.



Complete a few warm up sets then

65% x 5

75% x 5

85% x max reps

In between each set complete 3 strict CHIN ups. Add weight if you can. Use a belt or use a 10 or 15 # plate between the legs works well.

If you do not have strict chin ups, use a band for assist and don’t add any weight.


3 min Amrap:

6 cal Assault bike

6 front rack lunge 95#/65# Fitness 75#/45#

Rest 1min

3 min Amrap:

6 pull ups

6 front squats  95#/65# Fitness 75#/45#

Rest 1 min

3 min Amrap:

6 cal Assault bike

6 front rack lunge 95#/65# Fitness 75#/45#

Rest 1 min

3 min Amrap:

6 pull ups

6 front squats  95#/65# Fitness 75#/45#