I’ve been CrossFitting for about 9 years and have been a box owner for 5 of those 9 years. We all love CrossFit and have had many positive experiences since starting CrossFit. There are a lot of CrossFit haters out there too, which I’ve chosen to ignore, but everyone has their opinion. I saw this New York Times article on the main site and thought I’d post it in case you haven’t seen it. It’s called When Some Go to Church, others Turn to CrossFit. Click on the link and have a good read. I thought it was great coming from a CrossFitter in Boston who nailed it on the head.
hang power clean
CrossFit WOD:
100 double unders
15 clean and jerks 135#/95# RX+ 155#/115#
100 double unders
12 clean and jerks
100 double unders
9 clean and jerksĀ