



Just a reminder for those of you who are still checking into class on the Ipad. You need to download the TRIIB app and do it from your phone. It’s a free app and it’s not hard to set up. Just do it!! And don’t forget to check in or else I’ll have to enforce burpee penalties or better yet a mile run penalty. 

Also, moms and dads bringing the kiddies to the gym, you must keep them in the front at all times. This means during warm up, workout and cleanup time. I can’t have them running around the gym or hanging on the rings or in any part of the gym at any time. Please don’t allow them to come on the rubber floor. The concrete area is the place for them to hang out and stay for the hour. They could get hurt anywhere on or near the gym floor. Plus it’s a liability for me. Thank you!!


CrossFit WOD:

EMOM X 24 min

Min 1: 200 meter row

Min 2: 15 kb swings 53#/35#

Min 3: 12 box jumps 24″/20″

Min 4: 10 pull ups