

I would like anyone attending the 7:30 am class to start signing in the night before by 10 pm. Go to www.crossfit-fusion.theboxhq.com and go to the profile link. There’s a drop down for member profile and check in. Hit check in and sign up please!. Let’s start this check in this week. Thanks!


EMOTM X 10 min:

Front Squats

The clock starts on a 10 min countdown and perform:

10 Front squats (off the rack if you are going heavy) on minute 10

9 Front squats at minute 9

8 Front squats at minute 8

7 Front squats at minute 7 …. until

1 front squat on minute 1

*** Choose your weight!!

CrossFit WOD:

20 min amrap:

200 meter run

10 burpee box jumps 24″/20″

10 wall balls 20″/10″; 14#/9′  RX+ 20#/14″ 10′ target