


Bar muscle ups/chest to bar pull-ups

Take 15 minutes and work kipping skill. Work through these and see how far you can get;

-small tight kipping swings, hollow to arch

-more aggressive swings applying downward pressure on the bar during the hollow

-kipping pull-up

-kipping chest to bar driving hips to bar

-bar muscle up

If you have bar muscle ups, work this progression without dropping from bar . . .

3 kipping pull-ups

2 kipping chest to bars

1 bar muscle-up


“Comfortably Numb”


14 Minutes

2 KB swings 53/35

2 Wall Balls 20/14

4 Kettlebell Swings

4 Wall Balls

2 Bar Muscle Ups

6 Kettlebell Swings

6 Wall Balls

2 Bar Muscle Ups

etc. . .

** Complete 2 Bar Muscle Ups after each set of wall balls

Performance: Complete 2 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups or banded bar muscle ups

Fitness: 35/26 Complete 2 of the most advanced bar excercises you are capable of

i.e., pull-ups, banded pull-ups, or 5 kipping swings