So, we will be starting some work in the gym Thursday that will most likely last through Sunday. This includes painting. I’m trying hard not to let this affect the class schedule later in the week but there is a possibility there could be some casualties later in the day. I’ll try to program around it but just in case, let’s be safe and hit it hard early in the week to make sure we get in our fitness on Tuesday and Wednesday!
To that end, we have a good one for Tuesday. All the wods we’ve had in the last week have been new ones that we haven’t seen before. This one is a redo and is one of the better tests of fitness that I’ve seen or done. It’s programmed light and it’s easily scaled but it’s a good one. Come on in and give it a shot!
4 Round Superset
8 Bench Press
5 Strict Pull-Ups
*Same weight each set. Looking to use between 50-60% of one rep max
** We have lots of pull-ups in the wod so let’s hit full range of motion on banded strict pull-ups if we’re not super proficient on unassisted strict pull-ups.
“Fire Alarm”
3 Rounds Bergeron Beep Test
50/35 Cal Row
3 Rounds Bergeron Beep Test
50/35 Cal Row
3 Rounds Bergeron Beep Test
*** 1 Round of Bergeron Beep Test
7 Thrusters (75/55)
7 Pull-ups
7 Burpees
7 Thrusters (65/45)
7 Ring Rows
7 Burpees