Our in-house competition will be held Saturday, November 19th at 9 am. This will be coed teams of two. Your teammate has to be a member of Thor Fitness. If you are unable to find a partner, I will have a sign up area on the PR board to let others know you are interested in forming a team. Teams will be Rx or scaled. There will be three workouts, which will be announced soon. I have no idea as to the exact time it will end. This all depends on how many teams participate. The standards are the following:
pull ups
135#/95# power clean
24″/20″ box jump
53#/35# kb swing
85#/55# power clean
20″/14″ box jump
35#/26# kb swing
Also I’d like to say thank you to all of our 20 team members who signed up for Barbells for Boobs. It’s not too late to sign up and join us. Click HERE and get registered.
Find 1 RM
CrossFit WOD:
Thrusters 95#/65#
abmat situps
pull ups