BLAZE Thursday! Okay guys, it’s a touch different today. We will all be starting on station ZERO. The coach will run the clock for 4 minutes. In that 4 minutes we will complete max reps of burpees. That will be your Station Zero score on the whiteboard.
Then the coach will give you approximately a minute to get your act together and get to your first Blaze station. We will be sticking with the AMRAP format and stations 1-5 for 7 minutes each with a 1 minute rest in between.
Station ZERO
4 Minutes max Burpees
Station 1
10 Cal Row
15 Push-ups
Station 2
10 Cal Ski
15 Wall Balls 14/10
Station 3
20 Toe Touch Crunches
20 Strict Knee Raises
Station 4
500m Bike erg
15 Empty Barbell Curls
15 Empty Barbell Strict Presses
Station 5
10 Cal Assault Bike
15 Ring Rows