

If you have not already downloaded the TRIIB app, please do it. If you need another welcome email from TRIIB to set up your log in information again, let me know. You can use this app to sign in for class without using the Ipad, which is what I would like everyone to do. You will also have access to your invoices, attendance and billing to switch out your credit card. (By the way, this info you have all had access to from day one when you signed up.) Eventually, I will be getting rid of the Ipad and have everyone use their phone to check in.


split jerk


CrossFit WOD:

“Fight Gone Bad”
Three rounds for max reps with 1:00 at each station:
Wall-ball: 20#/14#, 10 ft target.
Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75#/55#
Box Jump: 20″ box
Push-press: 75#/55#
Row (Calories)
Rest 1 min