

Can’t say enough about our members during this Open. Saturday was an awesome day. All you guys put in great efforts. I was really proud of the reps and they way you guys rooted everyone on and pitched in. Love it. Shout out to Coaches Mike R who finished that workout and Matt Z who was deep into that last set of DU’s. Way to lead the way!

We’re going to stay above parallel for weightlifting today so we’ll be working the power clean. We’re going to see a lot of moderate barbell cycling in the coming weeks so dial it in.

8 am Open Gym

9 am Weightlifting

Part A

3 Rounds

10 Cal Bike

6 Box Jumps

Part B

Emotm 10

1 Clean Pull


1 Power Clean (sit in catch for 3 seconds, then stand and drop weight. Sit low and butt back)

Part C

Work to 1rm Power Clean

Part D

3 Rounds For Time

7 Cal Assault Bike or C2 Bike

7 Hang Power Cleans 95/65

7 Push-Ups