

Jacke with the old 20.1 what just happened look.

Alright everyone! The Open is over. It was an amazing 5 weeks full of incredible performances and amazing support. Huge thanks to all the people who helped, cooperated, judged etc., which is basically everyone.

Now, back to regular programming!

Last week SHRED was low heart rate muscle building. Let’s get back to some stations. We have a running clock. There are 3X7 Minute AMRAPS with 3 minute rest in between.

Station 1

7 Cal Ski

10 Bench 135/75

7 Ring Dips

Station 2

7 Cal Assault Bike

7 Push Press 95/65

7 SDHP 95/65

Station 3

7 Cal Bike

10 Barbell Curls 55/35

7 Ring Rows

Part B


4 Rounds

20 Toe Touch Crunches

20 Reverse Crunches