Amazing job by everybody who came out for 20.1!!!! Every single person gave maximum effort and left no reps. I’m so happy with you guys. Let’s keep it going.
Now, let’s pump up. . .
Back/Bicep Chipper
10/8 Cal Row
40 Ring Rows
40 Close Grip Empty Barbell Curls
20/16 Cal Row
30 DB Row (50/35)
30 Alt DB Hammer Curls 25/15 or 30/20
30/24 Cal Row
20 Bent Over Barbell Rows 95/65
20 DB Concentration Curls per arm 25/15 or 30/20
40/30 Cal Row
10 Wide Grip strict Pull-ups
10 Bicep Chin Ups
50/40 Cal Row
Part B
10 Minute AMRAP
20 Reverse Crunches
20 Toe Touch Crunches
1 Sandbag Carry Length of Rig and back 150/100/50