

The New Year Nutrition Challenge is starting next week with sign ups and weigh in’s ect. The official start date is Monday, January 29th. It seems like many of you are on the fence about doing this because of the commitment and work involved prepping food and eating more veggies than you are used to. Are you kidding me?? Just do it!! There will be good days and bad days like any kind of nutrition challenge or just the daily challenges of making the right food choices. Who knows?? Maybe this will create better portion control, healthier choices when eating out, cutting out soda, cutting out or completely eliminating bread or alcohol for six weeks. Sign up!! The more people who sign up, the more of a support system is created. 

Also, let’s talk about the 2018 Open!! Don’t forget to register. The first of five workouts will be announced on Thursday night, February 22nd, at 8 pm. We will all come together on the following Saturday to set new PR’s and tackle these workouts together. If you want to judge, take the judge’s course. You can register on site.


8 rds:

3 power cleans 135#/95# RX+ 155#/115#

6 K2E

9 box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″

200 meter run