

Starting Monday, April 3rd, there will be 23 new members attending class that are part of a six week challenge. Many, if not all, are super nervous to start. Please make them feel welcome! Remember how nervous you were to start CrossFit? Many of them don’t even know what CrossFit is all about. Hopefully by the end of six weeks they’ll have a really good experience and make some new healthy changes that they are all looking for.

CrossFit WOD:

4 rds:

Rd 1

4 min clock:

400 meter run

in time remaining max reps push ups w h/r

Rest 2 min

Rd 2

4 min clock:

400 meter run

in time remaining max reps kb swings 53#/35#

Rest 2 min

Rd 3

4 min clock:

400 meter run

in time remaining max reps K2E

Rest 2 min

Rd 4

4 min clock:

in time remaining max reps kb sdhp 53#/35#

Your score is total # of reps for all 4 rounds.