Monday is a holiday, but class times are scheduled as usual!!
Complete 5 burpees and perform max rep 135 lbs thrusters on the minute.
The goal is to complete 100 total thrusters. Time limit of 25 minutes. Start clock on the half hour to go mark. *At the beginning of every minute perform 5 burpees, for the rest of the minute perform as many thrusters as you can during that minute. At the beginning of the next minute perform 5 burpees and then max rep thrusters and so on until you reach 100 total thrusters.
Obviously you can scale and pick your weight. Level 1 will be 3 burpees. Good Luck!!!
Deficit Snatch deadlifts. Hit a heavy 3 and hit it for 3 sets
Weight pull up
Pyramid weight and reps
Bent Over rows
light weight
2 x 10