

Got calves?

So far we have only a few teams signed up for the In house throw down. What’s up with that?? Are you all waiting for the final two wods?? Just form teams and sign up on the PR board. Here is the strength complex wod …

Throw down strength wod complex:

10 min for both athletes to establish a 1 RM for

power or squat clean + Front squat + Shoulder to overhead

CrossFit WOD:

5 RDS:

3 min amrap:

3 power snatch 95#/65#

6 T2B

9 push ups

1 min rest after each amrap. Continue where you left off after the minute rest for a total full rounds and extra reps.


1.Deadlift warm up then 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3

2.Back squat 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1

3. Core: 3 sets 10 candle sticks, 10 Russian twists, followed by weighted plank hold w plate