

 Thor Fitness holiday party is Saturday, December 10th from 8-11 at Napper Tandys in Smithtown!! Cost is $42 for open bar and appetizers and includes tip as well. We’ll be hanging out in the bar area. Unfortunately I have to collect before the 10th. Please have your money in ASAP. I’ll be giving you a bracelet (or two if you’re more than one) when you arrive at nappers. Thank you!!!

CrossFit WOD:

2 rds:

400 meter run

75 double unders

400 meter run

50 situps


1. overhead squat – 5 sets of singles. work up to a medium to heavy single on the last set

2. split jerk – work on technique. Focus on foot placement (check out video)

3. Core: 5 x 5 straight legged leg raises unbroken (off the pull up rig)