Monday, November 4, 2013


Monday, November 4, 2013

As you know I’ve mentioned before that it’s not a great idea to bring a friend in for a “typical” wod that you’re used to.  It’s usually an overwhelming experience for those who come in to “try” a CrossFit workout for the first time.  So that’s why I have my intro sessions for those interested in CrossFit, which I do every Saturday and Sunday.  I also like to have a Friends and Family day.  So this Saturday I would like you to invite a friend or family member in for a CrossFit workout with you.  The workout will be a challenge but nothing technical.  So think of who you want to bring in invite them in!  

Also, I am trying to get the new software set up.  You should have all received an email from The Box HQ inviting you to set up a member profile.  If you have not received it, please let me know.  If you have received the email, please respond ASAP.  I’m waiting on you all to set these profiles up before I can implement the system.  Text me if you have not gotten the email.  Let me know what your email is in case I have the wrong one.  Thanks!


EMOTM for 10 min:

5 dead lift 225#/155# (even minutes)

10 pull ups (odd minutes)

CrossFit WOD:

“Well Done”

Buy in: 500 meter row

50 double unders (150 singles)

5 rds:

5 shoulder to overhead 135#/95#

10 lateral burpee jump over barbell

Buy out:

50 double unders

500 meter row

**Both feet must leave the floor at the same time when jumping over the barbell!! 


buy in:

250 meter row

50 singles

5 rds:

5 shoulder to overhead 65#/35#

5 lateral burpee jump over barbell

buy out:

50 singles

250 meter row

The Buy in and buy out are included in your time.  Clock starts with the buy in and end with the buy out

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