


 What a great night hanging out with the Thor Fitness family once again. Those of you who couldn’t make it to the BBQ, there’s always the next get-together, but know that we missed you. The pic above were the late crew. I posted a bunch of pictures on the Thor Fitness FB page. I didn’t take as many pictures as usual, as I wasn’t allowed to play flip cup with the camera hanging off my shoulder, but I tried. Thank you everyone for bringing some great food, beer, wine and cocktails to the party. It’s going to be a hot week, so don’t forget to hydrate!


Back squats

5 x 3

CrossFit WOD:

amrap 3 min for 4 cycles

5 hspu

7 kbs 53#/35#

9 air squats

Rest one minute.

 Complete a total of 4 cycles. Start each cycle where you finished the previous cycle. Score is total rds completed for all 4 cycles and extra reps. Sub for hspu is strict kb or db press. Go heavy!!


with a 10 min clock running every 2 minutes

run 150 meters

max push ups

Keep a running total of push ups