

Due to the fact that the weather may be pretty bad in the early morning I will be canceling the 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 am classes. The 8:30, 9:30 class and Elements will be open. Sorry for any inconvenience.

And on another note, I wanted to let you all know that we have a new coach doing an internship with Thor Fitness. I’m really excited to introduce everyone to C.J. He will be assisting and coaching classes with me for the next few weeks. C.J. has been a CrossFitter for 2 1/2 years and is a Level 1 certified coach as well as certified with the power lifting certificate through CrossFit. He went to school for sports and health sciences. He can’t wait to meet everyone so be sure to introduce yourself.


power snatch + hang power snatch

7 x 1 (new set every 2 min)

CrossFit WOD:


5 hang power snatch

12 Box jump oversĀ 

RX: 95#/65#, 24″/20″

RX+ 115#/85#, 30″/24″

L1 55#/35#, 14″/11″