

We are in week 4 of our linear strength program.  I’m going to change things up as far as the day of the week we’ll be doing the clean, snatch and overhead squat.  After all, this is CrossFit, the unknown and the unknowable. 


Clean (squat) (15 minutes)

5 x 3

Add 5 – 10# from what you did last week

CrossFit WOD:

EMOTM 20 minutes:

1 clean & jerk + 5 box jumps

2 clean & jerk + 5 box jumps

3 clean & jerk + 5 box jumps

ect ..

*** Keep going up by 1 clean and jerk until failure to complete it in the minute.  Once you fail, start back at 1 clean and jerk + 5 box jumps.  Your score is how far you got the first time through

Rx 115#/75#, 24″/20″

RX+ 135#/95#, 30″/24″

Level 1: 65#/45#, 14″/11″