Now that Flex on the Beach is over we’ll start turning our attention toward the CrossFit Open. The Open is a worldwide online competition that begins on October tenth. Workouts are released on Thursday nights for 5 straight weeks. We’ll be reserving Saturday morning for Open workouts with redo’s all weekend. Between now and then we’ll be trying to include some more Open type programming. You’ll see some Open wods and some more wods with movements that are typical of the Open. I’d like to see as many people register as possible, especially our new people!
Front Squat
1X5 at 60% of 1 Rep Max
3X5 at 70% of 1 Rep Max
“Three Little Pigs”
3 Minute AMRAP
25/20 Cal Assault Bike
Max Squat Cleans in remaining Time 95/65
1 Minute Rest
3 Minute AMRAP
25/20 Row
Max SDHP in remaining Time (95/65)
1 Minute Rest
3 Minute AMRAP
400 Meter Run
Max Burpees in remaining time
*Score is total reps