

I hope you all had a great weekend! The weather was beautiful, and this week looks to be just as nice! There are quite a few new people coming out of elements as well as nine new people who are doing a six week challenge starting today. Please make them feel welcome as usual and introduce yourself. They are super excited to start and very nervous at the same time.

Strength is worked into the workout today. You’ll be building with each set to a heavy triple on the clean. This does not have to be touch and go. Challenge people will be doing a different exercise to sub out the clean. Your coach will guide you through everything. Be sure to stay after for Core work.



On the 2:00 x 7 Sets:
36 Double Unders
9 Toes to Bar
3 Power Cleans


On the 2:00 x 7 Sets:
72 Single Unders
9 Toes to Bar
3 Power Cleans
***Build up to a heavy triple


3 sets

12 Russian twists

12 crunches

15 leg lifts