We’ve done some good work in the last 7 days. We hit 19.1, Fran, a huge Thursday Blaze, and some heavier barbell. We worked different times, loads and intensities. CrossFit is defined as constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity across broad time and modal domains. I’d say if you’ve gotten in the gym several times over the last 7 days, that’s exactly what you’ve been doing! That being said, if you need a rest day after all of that, think about taking one. Or, come in and do Fitness or scale. Whatever it takes not to wear down physically and, just as important, mentally.
**Guys, in this heat don’t forget to bring a towel with you. Thanks!!**
Power Snatch
“Ladder Day Saints”
1 Power Snatch 115/80
1 Russian Kettlebell swings 70/53
20 Double Unders
2 Power Snatches
2 Russian KB Swings
20 Double Unders
3, 3, 20. . .4, 4, 20 . . .etc.
PERFORMANCE 95/65, 53/35, Double Unders
FITNESS 75/55, 35/26 Single Unders