Great job for those of you who got in for BLAZE! Looked like an awesome effort by everyone. If you missed it, there will be more! We’re getting back to some barbell and rig work for Friday.
So let’s talk about scaling Toes to Bar. When choosing a scale for Toes to Bar, or any movement for that matter, the first thing we have to decide is what we are looking to get out of it. Every rep you do in the gym should have a purpose and you should know what that purpose is.
Toes to Bar is a skill that for most people requires an efficient kip. It also works the hip flexor and lower abs. If you are looking to work on the actual skill and make progress with the movement, then I would suggest kipping knee raises. Here, we should be getting our head through and knees behind the rig in the arch position, and then using our shoulders to press down on the bar bringing us behind it while getting those knees up and our bodies into a hollow position. This will help kip rhythm, core strength and grip strength and will eventually enable us to flip those toes up and touch the bar and get right back into the arch in order to cycle those reps.
If your shoulders are sketchy and/or you’re not ready for kipping but still want to be on the rig, hang with your shoulders engaged and do strict knee raises without swinging. This is a great midline strengthener and also improves your grip strength.
If you have no desire to do battle with a bar, no worries! Get on the ground and work those lower abs. I like reverse crunches, V-ups or candlesticks as a non-rig sub for toes to bar. Its all work and its all good. Either way you’ll be stronger than you were the day before. And that’s why we’re here!
4 Round Superset
10 Strict press
15 Dual KB shrugs
*Suggested weight for strict press is slightly lighter than your standard Thruster weight.
*Suggested KB weight is what you use for American swings in wods
“Freedom of the Press”
400 Meter Run Buy in
3 Rounds
15 Push Press (115/85)
15 Toes To Bar
15 Box Jumps 30″/24″
400 Meter Run Cash Out
400 Meter Run Buy In
3 Rounds
15 Push Press (95/65)
15 Toes To Bar
15 Box Jumps 24″/20″
400 Meter Run Cash Out
400 Meter Run Buy In
3 Rounds
15 Push Press (75/45)
15 Box Jumps 20″/14″
15 Knee raises (Kipping or strict), Reverse Crunches, V-Ups or Candlesticks
400 Meter Run Cash Out